World Cup 2026 news - 2
Below are news and updates from the World Cup 2026.
17-06-2022 11:25 - FIFA has confirmed 16 host cities for the 2026 World Cup. These cities from Canada, Mexico and the US were announced in a press conference.
24-05-2022 19:43 - FIFA announces big news about the 2026 World Cup in Canada, the US and Mexico. On June 16, something about the host cities will be announced live.
07-05-2022 20:53 - Investors, governments and sponsors of the 2026 World Cup were urged by Gianni Infantino not to let this unique opportunity pass unnoticed.
04-05-2022 20:43 - FIFA president Gianne Infantino spoke about the 2026 FIFA World Cup during his visit to Mexico.
15-10-2021 08:58 - FIFA visited a second set of host cities, following the first visits in September 2021. The cities were inspected for the 2026 World Cup.
23-09-2021 16:57 - The first round of visits to the 2026 World Cup host cities ended on September 23. FIFA visited nine cities in the US as part of the selection process.
09-09-2021 12:52 - FIFA visits nine host cities in America, starting in Boston and ending in Miami. The round of visits is from 15 to 23 September 2021.
06-07-2021 11:29 - The Canadian city of Montreal has indicated to FIFA that it will no longer be available as a host city for the 2026 World Cup.
26-01-2021 12:12 - FIFA has provided the 23 candidate host cities with more information about the timeline and deadlines as part of the selection process.
13-06-2018 12:30 - The 2026 World Cup will be hosted by the US, Canada and Mexico. The North American football federations have been chosen as hosts of the 2026 World Cup.